fil "2012" versi sutradara Roland Emmerich

012, Ketika Bumi Terancam Musnah

2012 - Setiap benda memiliki masa berlaku, seperti halnya planet Bumi. Itulah prediksi kalender bangsa Maya, yang menyebutkan bahwa kehidupan di bumi akan berakhir pada tahun 2012. Kisah itulah yang hendak diangkat sutradara Roland Emmerich lewat film "2012".

2012 movieBerawal dari penemuan peneliti di India di tahun 2009 bahwa Bumi mulai memanas, tidak dijelaskan lebih detai namun adegan langsung beralih ke pertemuan G8 di Inggris pada tahun 2010 dan adegan berpindah ke London tahun 2011.

Memasuki tahun 2012, kondisi bumi semakin 'parah'. Dr Adrian Helmsley (Chiwetel Ejiofor), yang pertama kali melaporkan masalah pelik itu pada Gordon Silberman (Tom McCarthy). Penemuan itupun berhasil mempertemukan Helmsley pada Presiden Amerika Thomas Wilson (Danny Glover), yang membahas masalah tersebut dengan negara-negara dunia.

Di luar rencana pemerintah, seorang penulis buku Jackson Curtis (John Cusack) tengah merencanakan libur bersama anak-anaknya, Noah dan Lily. Sayang, setibanya di lokasi, taman tersebut justru menjadi zona berbahaya dan berkat Charlie (Woody Harrelson), seorang penyiar radio 'gila', Curtis akhirnya tahu bahwa bumi terancam musnah.

Tak ingin keluarganya celaka, Curtis pun mencari cara untuk menyelamatkan mantan istrinya, Kate (Amanda Peet) dan kedua anaknya. Masalahnya adalah, tempat tinggal Cate di Pasadena, California hancur berantakan.

Beruntung, Curtis bisa menyelamatkan keluarganya tepat waktu, termasuk menyewa pesawat untuk segera meninggalkan lokasi. Apa yang dilihat Curtis dan keluarganya mungkin baru sedikit, mereka berusaha untuk mencari tahu jawaban sementara pemerintah masih mengatakan bahwa kondisi masih dalam keadaan baik-baik saja.

Seakan dikejar tengat waktu 'kematian', Curtis tidak sendirian, pemerintah rupanya sudah sejak tahun ditemukan masalah 'bumi' ini membangun sebuah 'bahtera besi' dimana penumpangnya sangat eksklusif dengan membayar satu juta euro per orang. Dengan begitu pastinya sudah bisa ditebak kalau seluruh penduduk dipastikan tewas.

Apakah Curtis dan keluarganya akan selamat? Akankah bumi benar-benar hancur dengan seluruh bencana alam yang mungkin tak pernah ada bayangkan?

Secara keseluruhan, film ini jadi film wajib tonton, terutama bagi Anda yang suka dengan film science fiction. Di awal film, alur
cerita dibuat lebih lambat untuk membangun karakter-karakter yang terlibat.

Secara detil, penonton diajak untuk melihat 'keanehan' yang terjadi tahun 2009, di mana terjadi pergantian adegan hingga menuju 2012. Saat pergolakan bumi terjadi, sang sutradara dengan apik menata efek-efek kerusakan.

Sebut saja ketika inti bumi memanas sehingga kerak bumi mulai hancur dan membuat jalan terbelah, gempa hebat, gunung meletus, serta terjangan tsunami yang mencapai tinggi ribuan meter.

Walau hanya film fiksi , tapi bayangan kemusnahan seluruh manusia di bumi langsung terlintas. Apakah Anda berani membayangkan bumi musnah, atau kehidupan manusia harus berakhir di tahun 2012? Jangan lewatkan filmnya yang akan beredar di Indonesia pada 13 November 2009 mendatang

Cantikya KIM HEE Chul :)

SuJu Kim Heechul lebih cantik dari seorang aktris

Posted by annaNuna on November 10, 2009
pada saat hadir di 46th Daejong Movie Award, SuJu Kim Heechul menarik perhatian netizen dengan julukan “여배우보다 더 이쁜 슈주의 김희철”(SuJu Kim Heechul yang lebih cantik dari aktris) yang hadir dalam acara tersebut.
mereka mengatakan bahwa Heechul punya mata yang indah dan juga memasng foto nya sebelum debut. netizen lain pun berkomentar:
- cantik!!
- Cinderella Heenim, lebih cantik daripada bunga
- sejak kapan dia mirip Park Hyo Sin, kekekeke…
- bener2 cantik…
- komplit, bener2 cantik dsb nya.
- saya rasa dia mirip Kim Jung Hwa
Image and video hosting by TinyPic- Kim Heechul berpakaian dengan elegan

dengan kepribadian nya yang 4dimensi, dan pernah dipuji netizen dengan sifat gentlemen nya, Heechul is really kkotbodanamja & ‘yeobewooboda ippeun’ ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

SUPER JUNIOR universary 4h

Super Junior 4th Anniversary is trendy topic on twitter

Posted by eka on November 6, 2009
dengan hari ini menjadi ulang tahun ke 4 bagi Super Junior, ELF memulai ‘perang ELF’ dengan membanjiri kata #superjunior di twitter. dan dalam waktu kurang lebih 30 menit, #superjunior menjadi salah satu kata yang paling banyak ditulis di twitter. selain itu #protect kangin juga menjadi 10 besar kata yang ada di twitter
super junior
selamat oppa, selain itu ELF Korea lewat sj-market, juga sudah berhasil membuat penjualan album super junior menjadi juara 1 di chart musik hanteo sebanyak 6 kali pada bulan oktober dan november ini.
슈퍼 주니어 기념일 축하해요!!!! Happy 4th Anniversary to Super Junior ♥ ♥ oppa jjang~~~~~~~~ semoga kalian tetap bersama menjadi 13 orang sebagai keluarga dan terus bersinar bersama ELF.

aaron and gui-gui , the best couple ..

buat pada couple mania , bisakah foto anda kami ambil dengan gaya se mesra ini , atau gokil , atau unik .. haha .
menurut paparazi mania , AARON YAN and GUI GUI is the best model couple ,, sebelumnya gui gui ini bersama wang zhi , but aaron ? it's true ..

the B E S T couple ..

o.o kamu ketauan , ke GEP berduaan lagi .. haha

nah buat yang ini sekarang udah mulai sering ke GEP ,, haha {nakal) lol~~
sekarang mereka berdua ini akan dimasukan nominasi kategori BACKSTREET couple ,,
menang ga yyahhh ...

HAHAHA , nakal yahh .. ckckck

ya olohh , aiai sama sensei lg ngobrol apa ssiiii ?///

mukanya sensei sempat di sensor .. haha (maaf karna permintaan seseorang)

wah , wah ........ kabarnya si aiai ini udah putus damai sama mantannya loh ... buat mantannya gue salut banget deh .. gue suka gaya lo .. dan gimana ya kelanjutan hubungan aiai ama sensei , apa bakalan jd NEW couple minggu ini , atau just friend .. masi dislidiki ... hmmmmm

memang JODOH ..

si ketua pintar dan aktif di bidang paskibra ini kayaknya ada " kesem sem " nii sama si sekertaris comel bawell "BieBie" .... sii "DonDon"[kea judul lagu suju adja]hho* iniiiiiiiiiiiii udah ke gep sama buu arvina {math of teacher) kalo dia udah nembak beibie (sorry , nama tetap kami samarkan) .. "JEDERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR !!!!!!!!!!!!" si biebie juga kayaknya nerima tuhh lama-lama , semmpet si nolak katanya .. tapi kalo jodoh kenapa egakk coba ... hahai .. banyak lloh fto-fto kedekatan keduanya .. dasar memang JODOH .

capcusss , romantis otomatis ...

the best COUPLE of X5 , hayoo siapa yang bisa ngalahin ??? hahaha

cara belajarnya x5 ^^

huh ,,, kembali lagi dan lagi ,, danger paparazzi sekarang lagi mengupass kegiatan kegiatan forum x5 saat sedang belajar ,, kira-kira pada serius ga yahh anak2nya ???

wah wah ,, salut buat anak cwo yang rajin menyontekk =,="

wah ,, kebagian nyontek di server nii ... bkakakakak

anak ter-rajin di x5 ,, lolll~~~ ( this is it ! koyuki bleketek )

kalo si " naufal alien nyangkut pager " demennya ONLINE , . twitter , fb , Ym , apa aja dah .

ini ABANG DICKY sayang ni , hueks ... demennya nyantai aja ,, haha

 kalo mas YOUNGKY ini , anaknya rajin belajar nyontek ,, rajin pula cabut pelajaran .. salut !

dari kesekian banyak murid , kayanya anak2 x5 ini semuanya pada setia menyontek dibanding belajar [ ga semua sih ] ,, cayooo dongg x5 haha , kalo bisa dari otak nyonteknya.. ckckck ... tapi anak jaman sekarang mana bisa diandelin .. CUNG yang bisa ???!!!!

WOOKIE potter

ini dia yang terbaru dari ex-boyfriend gue yang ke sekian ratus .. haha
ryeowook POTTER'S
this is it !

asoyy , that's COOL PERFECT !

ada yang ga gue restuin tuh sampe mati !!!

siapa lagi kalo bukan jessica , gue ga suka sama tu cwe ,,, apalagi berpose sama han kyung .. udah deh cukup sama jaejoong dan dong hae aja .. jangan han geng !!!! akhhhh ,,, bad girl bgt lo !!!

Super Junior M – Super Girl update


Дууны үг:
[KH]Oh~ chao ji chao ji de nu hai
Oh~ Oh~Oh~Oh
[SW] kan wo kan kan wo
[SW] bu yao song shi kan zhe ta
[SW] bu ai bu ai ta bu ai ni
[SW] ni de wan mei sheng guo ta
[SW] bu yao zai ding zhe na shou ji
[KH] bu yao zai na san xin er yi
[KH] ni ming bai de, ni qing chu de, wo chao ji de nu hai
[RW] you shi hou xiang qi ta song ni de hua
[H] diu diao kuai diu diao ba
[RW] hai you ta na zui mi ren de wei xiao
[H] wang diao kuai wang diao ba
[RW] ta de wen rou hai hui rang ni dian dao
[H] xing lai kuai xing lai ba
[RW] ni de hao shi duo me shen mi, qing rang wo hao hao bao mi
[ALL] Oh my Super Girl ni shi wo de Baby Girl
[KH] ta kan bu jian ni de mei li ping fan bei hou de mo li
[ALL] Oh my Super Girl wo shi ni de Super Man
[RW/ZM] ni de yan shen rang wo zhao mi, wei le ni wo shen me dou yuan yi
[ALL] Oh— Oh—Oh—Oh—My Love
[DH] kan wo kan kan wo
[DH] bu yao zong shi sui zhe ta
[DH]ru guo ta shuo bu xi huan ni
[DH]jiu suan zai mang ye neng gou deng dai ni
[ZM] na yi ding shi ta shuo de huang hua
[ZM]na yi ding bu shi zhen xin de hua
[ZM]Oh~bia xiang xing ba~ Oh~kuai dao wo de shen bian lai
[KH] you shi hou xiang qi ta song ni de hua
[HG] diu diao kuai diu diao ba
[KH] hai you ta na zui mi ren de wei xiao
[HG] wang diao kuai wang diao ba
[KH] ta de wen rou hai hui rang ni dian dao
[HG] xing lai kuai xing lai ba
[KH] ni de hao shi duo me shen mi, qing rang wo hao hao bao mi
[ALL] Oh my Super Girl ni shi wo de Baby Girl
[SW] ta kan bu jian ni de mei li ping fan bei hou de mo li
[ALL] Oh my Super Girl wo shi ni de Super Man
ni de yan shen rang wo zhao mi, wei le ni wo shen me dou yuan yi
[ALL] Oh— Oh—Oh—Oh—My Love
[KH]Kai xin de, nan guo de,
[ZM/KH/DH]]da yin ni, dou pei ni, dou pei ni
[RW] zhun bei le quan shi jie zui hao de ai, zui gui de ai
[RW]deng dai ni ban jin wo de xin li lai
[DH]xing fu de quan li bu yao fang qi
quan shi jie zui wan mei de wei yi
[ALL] Oh my Super Girl ni shi wo de Baby Girl
[SW] ta kan bu jian ni de mei li ping fan bei hou de mo li
[ALL] Oh my Super Girl wo shi ni de Super Man
ni de yan shen rang wo zhao mi, wei le ni wo shen me dou yuan yi
[ALL] Oh— Oh—Oh—Oh—My Love
[KH] ni shi wo zui chao ji de nu hai [ALL](bie zai deng dai deng dai)
[KH] gen zhe wo yi qi fei dao wei lai [ALL](ai qing bu yong cai pai cai pai)
[RW] wo shi ni de chao ji yi lai [ALL](bie zai deng dai deng dai)
[RW] gen zhe wo yi qi fei dao wei lai [ALL](ai qing bu yong cai pai cai pai)

gue dapet 10 DONG ! ! BANGGA ,, hasil sendiri

aduhaiii , nilai gue bagus bener ya sampe bokap muji-muji gue .. ckckck , lulu emang anak bodoh yang ga bisa banggain orang tua .. masa di rapot gue ada nilai 10 ( satu koma nol ) ckckckck , astagfirulloh ...
mana bu enik marinik itu nulis dirapot gue 93 , tapi nulis hurufnya (empat tiga ) .. ibu ibu , bikin makin parah aja ni .. kacau !!!!

nilai rapot semester :  x/1
kelas : x/5
luluk setio pertiwi

agama islam : 65 " alhamdulillah lebih 1 dari KKM "
PKN : 70 " lope pkn !!! lope u pull "
BINDO : 75 " cinta indonesia "
BING : 93 " ket : ditulisnya sama bu enik empat tiga , dasar si ibu teh "
MTK : 40 "parah ni bu arvina"
Fisika : 10 [satu koma nol]  " ada yang bisa ngalahin gue ga ????/" hahahahaha.
biologi : 43 " aduhh ibu pelit nemen sih "
KIMIA : 56 " aduh ibu , menurut para ahli ini nilai kurang nge.sreg gituhh "
sejarah : 65 " pas pasan "
geografi : 65 " pas pasan " tapi perasaan nilai geo gue ga ada yg ancur deh ??
ekonomi : 68 " lebih 3 dari KKM "
sosiologi : 45 " ibu sih jarang ngajar ... ! "
seni budaya : 71 " pa dicky i lope yuu " haha , padahal gue blom UTS sama maju waktu presentasi ..
olahraga : 70 " pa wawan paling menawan dehh "
TIK : 80 " TIK is the bes bes " ntar lama lama gue ikut ekskul tik juga nih .. ckckck
basa sunda : 70 " ibu guelis pisan san dehh "
jepang : 70 " sen sei arigato gozaimatsu ... aishiteru sensei !! bkakak "

begitulah nilai saya , saya akan terus terus dan terus sampe mentokk , agar bisa mendapatkan nilai nilai nilai yang bagus bagus dan menarik pastinya ...

tapi yang paling saya tidak suka adalah .. mengapa kerajinan/kedisplinan saya dinilai " C " ?
padahal saya kadang piket , baju rapih sedikit , sekolah rajin masuk , selalu sopan lagi sama ibu atau bapak guru .. jadi apa yang salah ????

ket : gue nulis blog ini sambil dengerin lagu DEWIQ yang BETE BETE BETE ..

All about SUPERJUNIOR ..

III. About Super Junior

VII. Basic Information
Official Name: Super Junior (슈퍼주니어)
Unofficial Name: SuJu (슈주) or SJ
Members: Leeteuk (leader), Heechul, Hangeng, Yesung, Kangin, Shindong, Sungmin, Eunhyuk, Donghae, Siwon, Ryeowook, Kibum, and Kyuhyun
Catchphrase: 우리는 슈퍼주니어에요! (Oo ri neun Shoo-puh-Ju-ni-uh eh yo! aka We are Super Junior!)
Debut: Super Junior as a 12 member project group called Super Junior 05 performed on their first TV broadcast on November 6, 2005 with their first single "Twins (Knock Out)"; with the addition of Kyuhyun during "U" promotions which they started through the "I-Concert" on May 27, 2006, Super Junior became the permanent 13 member group that we know today.
History: Super Junior on Wikipedia (as with all things on Wikipedia, all information can't be vouched for)
Management: SM Entertainment
Official Fanclub: EverLasting Friends (E.L.F.), established on June 2, 2006.
Official Balloon Color: Pearl Sapphire Blue
Official Websites:
——— (Korea)
——— (Taiwan)
——— (Japan)
——— (Super Junior 05)

VII. Member Profiles
Leeteuk (이특/李 特) (이특 is actually pronounced Eeteuk)
Real Name: Park Jungsu (박정수/朴 正 秀)
Nickname(s): Angel without Wings (날개잃은천사), Gaeteuk (개특, named by Heechul), Special Leader (특별한리더), Peter Pan, Ori (오리 aka Duck)
Date of Birth: July 1, 1983
Place of Birth: Seoul Yeonshinnae (서울 연신내 은평구)
Height: 178 cm/5' 10.1" in (said on Star King that his real height without shoelifts is 175 cm/5' 9":))
Weight: 59 kg/129.8 lb
Blood Type: A
Siblings: older sister Park Inyoung (1982)
Specialty/Hobby: Piano, Composition, Listening to music, Singing
Education: Transferred from Paekche Institute of the Arts (백제예술대학) to Inha University (인하대학교)
Misc. Info.: Leeteuk was wandering around lost in the streets of Seoul when an SM scout saw him and gave him a business card. He auditioned in 2000 and made his first appearance the same year as an extra sitting in an auditorium in MBC's "All About Eve." His stage name Eeteuk (이특) means "special."

Heechul (희철/希 澈)
Real Name: Kim Heechul (김희철/金 希 澈)
Nickname(s): Heenim (희님), Cinderella (신데렐라), Flower (꽃), Kim Pink (김분홍), Kim Moodswing (김기복), Kim Cherry (from Youngstreet), Snake (from the Zodiac), Heerobbong (part of the Bbong brothers with Donghae and U-Know Yunho), Heebongie Hyung (Yesung's nickname for Heechul)
Date of Birth: July 10, 1983
Place of Birth: Hoengseong County, Kangwondo (강원도 횡성군); grew up in Wonju, Kangwondo (강원도 원주) where his parents still reside
Height: 179 cm/5' 10.5" in (stated in his 100Q/100A from August 26, 2007 that his height is actually 178 cm/5' 10.1")
Weight: 60 kg/132 lb
Blood Type: AB
Siblings: older sister Kim Heejin (1982)
Pets: Heebum (Russian Blue cat) since 11/11/06, Champagne (Siamese cat) since 7/26/08; used to have Yamchae (Russian Blue cat) given to him by fans from 7/13/05 to 11/3/05, but he ran away while Heechul was away for a few days filming.
Specialty/Hobby: Writing poems, Writing fairy tales, Computer games
Education: Sangji University (상지대학교); reportedly graduated in 2008.
Official Website:
Soompi Thread:
Misc. Info.: On a whim, Heechul searched the internet for entertainment companies and it so happened that SM was having open auditions so he went with his friends to Seoul to sightsee/audition. Being unfamiliar with the area, he got lost and missed the open audition hours. They told him that it was too late, but according to him, took one look at his face and changed their minds :) He was allowed to audition and was cast through Starlight Casting System in October 2002. He debuted as an actor on March 6, 2005 through the youth drama KBS's "Banolim 2" as Baek Jinwoo.

Hangeng (한경/韩 庚) (lately they've been officially going by the Chinese pronunciation of his name, Han Geng, but in Korean it is pronounced Hankyung)
Real Name: Han Geng (한긍/韩 庚)
Nickname(s): Beijing Fried Rice (북경밥 aka Bukkyungbap; came during "Full House," from Hangeng mispronouncing and Heechul mishearing 볶음밥 aka Bokkeumbap which just means fried rice in Korean), Dragon (from the Zodiac)
Date of Birth: February 9, 1984
Place of Birth: Mudanjiang in the Hei Long Jiang (黑龙江/흑륭성) Province, located in the northeastern part of China
Height: 181 cm/5' 11.3"
Weight: 66 kg/145.2 lbs
Blood Type: B (he originally thought he was O then A. It was only in summer 2006 that he found out that his blood type was B.)
Siblings: only child
Pets: used to have Rong Rong (dog) which was given to him by fans for a little while in March-June 2007, but had to give him away because he wasn't home enough to take care of him; Mao Mao (lives with Hankyung's parents in China)
Specialty/Hobby: Chinese traditional dance, Ballet, Computer games
Education: Central University for Nationalities (중앙민족대학교)
Soompi Thread:
Misc. Info.: Hangeng accompanied a friend who was auditioning at the H.O.T. CHINA Audition in 2001 and was talked into auditioning himself. He was chosen as a handful among 3000 who auditioned. He made his debut as a model in a fashion show F/W General idea by Bum Suk in May 2005.

Yesung (예성/藝 聲)
Real Name: Kim Jongwoon (김종운/金 鐘 雲)
Nickname(s): Cloud (구룸), Dog (from the Zodiac), Rabid Dog (광견; Heechul's nickname for Yesung)
Date of Birth: August 24, 1984
Place of Birth: Chunahn in Southern Choongchung Province (충남 천안)(충청남도 천안)
Height: 178 cm/5' 10.1"
Weight: 64 kg/140.8 lb
Blood Type: AB
Siblings: younger brother Kim Jongjin (1987)
Pets: a turtle named Ttangkkoma (땅꼬마 which means 'small runt') since 12/4/08; he mentioned on "Olnbam" that it cost him 200,000 won (~$150).
Specialty/Hobby: Singing, Listening to music, Exercise
Education: Chungwoon University (청운대학교), Broadcast Music major, possibly transferred to Sunmoon University (선문대학교); reportedly graduated in early 2009.
Misc. Info.: Yesung won gold in the 1999 ChunAn Singing Contest. He was encouraged to audition for SM by his mother who secretly submitted his application without telling him. He auditioned for SM in 2001. His stage name Yesung (예성) is an acronym for 술가의 대 which means "Vocal Chords of an Artist."

Kangin (강인/强 仁)
Real Name: Kim Youngwoon (김영운/金 英 雲)
Nickname(s): Kang Kings (강깅쓰), Kkang (깡), Neoguri (너구리 aka Racoon, named by Anya from "Full House"), Ox (from the Zodiac), Youngchoon (영춘; Heechul's nickname for Kangin, Heechul claims that this is Kangin's real first name)
Date of Birth: January 17, 1985
Place of Birth: Seoul Seodaemoongoo HongEunDong (서울 서대문구 홍은동) (서울 서대문구)
Height: 180 cm/5' 10.9"
Weight: 70 kg/154 lb
Blood Type: O
Siblings: only child
Pets: Gongju (공주 which means Princess; it's a female Japanese Spitz, shown on ChinChin 11/7/08; the coordi noona told him that her eyes look just like his so he bought it)
Specialty/Hobby: Acting, Singing, Exercise (kick boxing), Swimming
Education: Paekche Institute of the Arts (백제예술대학) or (상명대 천안캠퍼스) Theater Arts
Soompi Thread:
Misc. Info.: Kangin was on a class field trip goofing off with his friends when an SM scout spotted him. He entered the 2002 SM Youth Best Contest (청소년 베스트 선발대회) and won first place for Best Outward Appearance. He made his debut as a panelist on SBS "One Night's TV Entertainment (한밤의 TV연예)" in 2004. His stage name Kangin (강인) means "strong benevolence." He is known for his physical strength.

Shindong (신동/申 東 or 神 童)
Real Name: Shin Donghee (신동희/申 東 熙)
Nickname(s): Dongri Dong Dong (from Ppo Ppo Ppo)
Date of Birth: September 28, 1985
Place of Birth: Moonkyung in Northern KyungGi Province (Kyungbook Moonkyung/경북 문경) (경기도 일산)
Height: 178 cm/5' 10.1"
Weight: 90 kg/198 lb (he stated on his minihompy that he started his current diet at 103 kg/227 lb. Shindong stated during an interview during the Super Show in Shanghai that at one point, he had lost up to 19 kg, but that he had gained 4 kg back so he's lost a total of 15 kg - 11/22/08; as of 3/25, Shindong stated that he's gained back 10kg from his peak weight loss of 20kg so at ~93 kg/205 lbs)
Blood Type: O
Siblings: only child
Specialty/Hobby: Making facial expressions, Making jokes, Dancing
Education: Paekche Institute of the Arts (백제예술대학)
Soompi Thread:
Misc. Info.: Prior to joining SM, Shindong won the 2002 and 2003 Goyangshi Youth Dance contest (Grand Prize in 2002 and Gold Prize in 2003) and the 2004 Mnet Epi Contest (Gold Prize and Popularity Award). He entered the 2005 SM Youth Best Contest (청소년 베스트 선발대회) and won first place for Best Comedian and Grand Prize overall. Shindong made his debut the same year as the MC for DBSK's Sweet Rose Party. He owns a scooter which he calls Kkoolie (꿀이 which is equivalent to "Oinkie" since in Korea "kkool" is the sound pigs make) and often goes riding with Sungmin, with whom he also shares a love of photography. His stage name Shindong (신동), originally comes from his last name and first character of his first name (申 東), but they often take a different meaning to his name, 神 童 which means "prodigy" and is aptly named since Shindong is known for his numerous creative abilities.

Sungmin (성민/成 民)
Real Name: Lee Sungmin (이성민/李 成 民)
Nickname(s): Sweet Pumpkin (단호박 comes from his line in a one-episode drama called "Sea of sisters"), Minimi (미니미)
Date of Birth: January 1, 1986
Place of Birth: Ilsan in KyungGi Province (경기도 일산) (서울)
Height: 175 cm/5' 8.9"
Weight: 57 kg/125.4 lb
Blood Type: A
Siblings: younger brother Lee Sungjin
Pets: Ari (Yorkshire Terrier dog, name means "Fighting" in Korean. This isn't the same dog that he looked after for a month on "Animal Farm." That Ari was adopted by another family.)
Specialty/Hobby: Chinese martial arts, Acting, Watching movies, Playing instruments
Education: Transferred from Seoul Arts University (서울예대학교); currently a student at Myongji University (명지대학교)
Misc. Info.: Sungmin entered the 2001 SM Youth Best Contest (청소년 베스트 선발대회) and jointly along with Donghae won first place for Best Outward Appearance. He debuted on SBS "Showdown of the Century (세기의 대결)," a show that showcased various SM trainees, hosted by Kangta and Moon Heejun of H.O.T. in 2002. He owns a scooter which he calls Byul (별 which means Star) and often goes riding with Shindong, with whom he also shares a love of photography.

Eunhyuk (은혁/銀 赫)
Real Name: Lee Hyukjae (이혁재/李 赫 宰)
Nickname(s): Jewel Guy (보석미남), Monkey (from the Zodiac)
Date of Birth: April 4, 1986
Place of Birth: Goyangshi NeungGok (고양시 능곡) (경기도 일산)
Height: 176 cm/5' 9.3" (mentioned on Yashimmanman that his real height was +/- 2 cm so 174 cm/5' 8.5" :))
Weight: 58 kg/127.6 lb
Blood Type: O
Siblings: older sister Lee Sora (1984)
Pets: Choco (lives with his parents)
Specialty/Hobby: Dancing (all genres), Exercising, Listening to music
Education: Currently a student at Pai Chai University (배재대학교)
Misc. Info.: Eunhyuk entered SM in 2000. His best friend since elementary school is DBSK's Xiah Junsu. They went to the same school and due to their mutual love of dancing, they became dance partners and best friends. He, like Sungmin, debuted on SBS "Showdown of the Century (세기의 대결)," a show that showcased various SM trainees, hosted by Kangta and Moon Heejun of H.O.T. in 2002. His stage name was created because there is a well-known Korean comedian who has the same name. He decided to add an Eun which means "silver" thus the precious jewel of his nickname to the first part of his name deriving Eunhyuk.

Donghae (동해/東 海)
Real Name: Lee Donghae (이동해/李 東 海)
Nickname(s): Fishy (물고기, it's actually just "fish" but because of how Koreans pronounce it, it became "Fishy" to international fans), Donghae Bada (동해바다, East Sea), Pinocchio (named by Heechul), Dorobbong (part of the Bbong brothers with Heechul and U-Know Yunho), Tiger (from the Zodiac)
Date of Birth: October 15, 1986
Place of Birth: Mokpo in Southern Jeolla Province (Jeollanamdo Mokpo/전라남도 목포)(전라남도 목포)
Height: 175 cm/5' 8.9"
Weight: 60 kg/132 lb (Donghae mentioned on Itta Upta 4/4/09 that he weighed 59kg)
Blood Type: A
Siblings: older brother Donghwa
Pets: Bada (Bichon Maltese dog, name comes from Donghae's name East Sea, thus Bada meaning "Sea"), Meo (Bichon Maltese dog, name is short for "Romeo")
Specialty/Hobby: Dancing, Exercise, Singing, Watching movies
Education: Currently a student at Myongji University (명지대학교)
Misc. Info.: Donghae was encouraged to become a singer by his late father (who passed away on August 8, 2006 due to melonoma), who had wanted to pursue singing as a youth, but was never able to. He was a member of the Starlight Academy and jointly with Sungmin won first place in 2001 SM Youth Best Contest (청소년 베스트 선발대회) for Best Outward Appearance. His real name Donghae means "East Sea" and thus a lot of his nicknames derive from this. Currently, he operates a minihompy under the name Kim Hyang Sook, which is his mother's name. The reason for this is that his last minihompy was hacked into so he no longer has access to it.(mentioned during an interview)

Siwon (시원/始 源) (시원 which is actually pronounced Shiwon)
Real Name: Choi Siwon (최시원/崔 始 源)
Nickname(s): Simba (named by Heechul), Horse (from the Zodiac)
Date of Birth: February 10, 1987 (Apparently, Shiwon's real birthday is April 7, 1986... Eeteuk said Shiwon's birthday was coming up soon on his minihompy on 4/5/09. The story is that his parents didn't registered his birth until February of the following year for whatever reason so in official documents his birthday is listed as February 10. However, despite the fact that his actual birthday is April 7, February 10 is the birthday he officially celebrates with Super Junior fans so...)
Place of Birth: Seoul Gangnam (south of Han River near Apgujung) (서울 강남)
Height: 183 cm/6'
Weight: 65 kg/143 lb
Blood Type: B
Siblings: younger sister Choi Jiwon
Specialty/Hobby: Singing, Dancing, Acting, Taekwondo, Chinese (language), Playing drums
Official Website:
Soompi Thread:
Education: Currently a student at Inha University (인하대학교), Physical Education major
Misc. Info.: Siwon was spotted by an SM scout during his junior high graduation. Against the objections of his father and much struggle, he joined SM in 2003 and made his debut in Dana's MV "What is Love" in October 2003.

Ryeowook (려욱/麗 旭)
Real Name: Kim Ryeowook (김려욱/金 麗 旭)
Nickname(s): Eternal Mangnae (만년막내 literally means "for 10,000 years, the youngest")
Date of Birth: June 21, 1987
Place of Birth: Inchon Bupyung Sanggokdong (인천 부평 상곡동)
Height: 173 cm/5' 8.1"
Weight: 58 kg/127.6 lb
Blood Type: O
Siblings: only child
Specialty/Hobby: Singing, Composition
Education: Currently a student at Inha University (인하대학교), Theater Arts major
Misc. Info.: Ryeowook won first place in a singing contest on MBC FM radio's ‘별이 빛나는 밤에 (Starry Night)’ which lead him to enter the 2004 CMB ChinChin Star Festival (CMB 친친 청소년가요제) where he won Silver Award. He was a devout fan of the female pop group S.E.S. and was a member of their official fanclub.

Kibum (기범/基 范)
Real Name: Kim Kibum (김기범/金 基 范)
Nickname(s): Snow White (named by Heechul), Yangban Kim (named by Heechul)
Date of Birth: August 21, 1987
Place of Birth: Seoul (서울)
Height: 179 cm/5' 10.5" (stated on Yashimmanman that his real height was 177 cm/5' 9.7")
Weight: 58 kg/127.6 lb
Blood Type: A
Siblings: younger sister Kim Saehee
Official Website:
Soompi Thread:
Education: Unknown
Misc. Info.: Kibum was spotted walking around during a Korean Festival in LA by a SM scout and joined SM in 2002. He made his first appearance in the KBS2 drama "April Kiss" in 2004 as the younger version of the main character.

Kyuhyun (규현/奎 賢)
Real Name: Cho Kyuhyun (조규현/趙 奎 賢)
Nickname(s): Kim Kyu (김규, named by Heechul), Game Kyu (겜규) , Jumong Kyu (주몽규) , Chic Kyu (시크규)
Date of Birth: February 3, 1988
Place of Birth: Seoul Nohwon (서울 노원) (서울)
Height: 180 cm/5' 10.9"
Weight: 68 kg/149.6 lb
Blood Type: A
Siblings: older sister Cho Ara (1985)
Specialty/Hobby: Singing, Listening to music, Watching movies
Education: Currently a student at Kyunghee University (경희대학교), Post Modern Music major
Misc. Info.: Kyuhyun won Bronze Award at the 2005 CMB ChinChin Star Festival (CMB 친친 청소년가요제).

fahfar memberikan yang terbaik untuk koyuki ...

akhir-akhir ini memang sedang membludaknya cinta saat pandangan pertama . seperti yang dialami koyuki/x5 . bayak cwo cwo yang menyukainya karna alasan pandangan pertama .. haha . jaman apa ! kidding* . ( nama keduanya masih nama samaran) ..
tapi untuk fahfar/x5 yang kabarnya pernah pdkt dan sama koyuki ini berkata lain .. dia memang selalu memberikan yang terbaik untuk koyuki , walaupun koyuki menganggap fahfar ini the best friend , bkan pacar . tapi bagi fahfar .. koyuki always special in my heart ... haha , so sweet .

berikut gambar hasil tangkapan danger paparazzi ,,

fahfar yang lagi ngipasin koyuki saat lagi kepanasan ...

naufal allen yang ikutan bergaya saat paparazzi memfoto koyuki dan fahfar ..

icha yang ikutan aji mumpung terfoto dalam kamera ..

sepertinya ini adegan saat fahfar ingin memegang tangan koyuki .. hmm ,mencurigakan ..

berdasarkan informasi mereka masih digosipin hts tapi ada informasi laiinya ternyata koyuki ini sedang dekat dengan'am/x1 ? ........... hmmm , harus diselidiki ..

Ai and Sensei ? are they couple ?

akhir-akhir ini mencuat kedekatan antara aiai/x5 dan sensei/x5 ( maaf , untuk sementara nama tidak kami tulis dengan jelas , itu hanya nama samaran ) .. setelah ditelusuri lebih dalam kabarnya sensei telah menyatakan perasaannya kepada aiai , hmmmm ...sempat juga meraka terumor saling menyukai , padahal si aiai ini masih memiliki kekasih yang kabarnya anak dari guru bindo itu looo ..

berikut hasil tangkapan gambar yang terpotret oleh danger paparazzi ini ...

 sepertinya ada kedekatan yang sangat dirahasiakan oleh keduanya .... hmmm  

ganbar 2





eitsss , jangan cemburu dulu .. buat si icha sama kholid itu ga ada hubungan spesial kok .. they just friend.. jadi buat yang suka sama icha en kholid .. ga perlu kawatir .. haha

aiai dan sensei , mereka adalah cwe dan cwo yang masing-masingnya menyukai di bidang bahasa asia ..
mengapa disebut sensei ? yipp .. karna dia jago banget sama bahasa jepang .. haha
untuk si mungil aiai yang umit dan ngegemesin mukanya , dia suka banget sama yang namanya korea . yes she like that .. kalo menurut pendapat beberapa orang sih .. mereka berdua .. cocok , oh iya .. buat kekasih aiai , apabila melihat blog ini .. you're gentle man ! jant cemburu dulu .. ini baru rumours .. blom terungkap jelas .. oke !

Super Junior Hee Chul 1st Solo Song is OUT !!

untuk drama yang dia mainkan ‘Loving You 1000 times’, Super Junior Heechul untuk pertama kalinya mempunyai lagu solo yang akan dijadikan OST drama tsb, dengan judul Chobyeol 초별.

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ngambil rapot sama papa ...

tuh kan ,dari kemaren setiap abis jemput mama pasti selalu aja ada bt.nya ...
ini percakapanku sama my mom's ...

lulu : mah besok ambil rapot di sekolah , mama yang ngambil ya ? ... ( pengennya sih mama sama papa yang ikut )

mama : emang jam brapa ? mama besok ada meeting akhir bulan jam 08.00 ,,

lulu : jam 10 mah , akh elah mah .. mamah aja napa yang ngambil , kalo sama papa lulu maless .. ( cz kalo sama papa pasti gue bakalan ga akur , coz gue sama bokap itu uda kaya kucing ama anjing .. ga akur terus )

mama : udah sih sama papa aja , mama tuh ga bisa cancelin meetingnya ,, besok mama harus ke kantor ...

yaudah gue diem aja dengan muka yang jelek dan cemberut sambil manyun ... ( mama tegaaaaaa*)

ket : tulisan yg berwarna merah dan dicoret adalah sesuatu hal yang paling gue ga suka dari nyokap , coz kadang nyokab lebih mentingin meetingnya daripada anaknya sendiri .. ( maaf mah kalo lulu bilang kaya gtu , abiss lulu bt banget mah kalo mamah ngomong gitu teruss ,,, maaf juga mah kalo lulu terkadang suka minta dimanjain sama mamah .. ) but i'm only love u and dad , i love u to ..


pliss dengerin deh lagu snsd yang chocholate-love ...

itu lagu classic abis ,,, haha

this COVER ... 

sarang HEY !!

semua temen temen gue sekarang lagi jor-joran suka sama super junior ..
termasuk si I C H A , yang ngegila banget suka sama sungmini ... haha sungmiyem kali ,,, kidding cha ^^
ada juga si RISTIANI KOYUKI BLEKETEK yang suka sama si eunhyuk monkey ,, sama si lee teukie si leader jagoan ... ! and then si AI SAYANG yang suka sama litte kyuhyun nya yang dijulikin GOOD VOICE ,, emang bener sihh ... =,='' sayangnya temanku  jovAnka be'el itu sukanya sama lagu tukang GETUK .. LOL~~
gue so pasti suka sama cwo yang bekharakter pria .. ( berat beut ) yang pastinya HAN GENG , SI WON , RYEO WOOK doooooooooooooooong !!!
mau liat fto-fto mereka yang cap cus abiss ... kassiii dahhhhhhhhhhh ... ^^

This is the husband I am, I loved him ... haha

He is my inspiration ... I love him .. I love wookie

eitsss ... in dia my EX-BOY FRIEND ... itu foto siwon lg nyuci piring di rumah gue .. haha ,, sarangheyy oppa^^

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